And now for a free, friendly community announcement. Never forget to put sunscreen on your feet, unless you wish to obtain a really bad Hav tan like mine.
Had a leisurely stroll around Bondi Beach Markets this morning, hoping to be inspired. Unfortunately, saw nothing really outstanding.
Did find a cute vintage mustard yellow smock top for $20 and a sheer white lace blouse for $50, the later of which I will wear with my Alba Fan Club pale denim, high-waisted jeans tomorrow night. Actually I may not fit into them after sinking my teeth into the cheesy-toast goodness of what I ate at Jed's Cafe, post market hunt.
On a shopalog shoot we take 100s of photos. This is all in the hope that amongst them will be the winners - shots that convey the mood we intended, show the clothes the best, and a certain something in the face of the model.
To illustrate this, Daniel has created a stop animation video of our "stealing light" photo shoot. Taken at night, the light was obviously tricky as we were trying to get it from sources like signs, street lamps and shop windows.
There was no problem with our model Ash, who pretty much nailed the vacant-cyborg face and whose pale porcelain skin jumped out from the dark surrounds. It rained. And I mean torrential rain. But then if this hadn't happened, we would not have stumbled across the crazy Japanese game arcade, nor would the asphalt on the road have reflected up that gorgeous glossy glow, giving us that much needed Blade Runner edge.